This is Memphis in his crate. Sometimes he would go in and stay inside there even I didn't ask him to.
I noticed that if I'm doing some work like mopping or cleaning the bowl, he would stay inside the crate, but if I'm sitting down at my table doing work on the computer, then only he comes out and lie down next to me.
This is because if I'm occupied I can't save him from Gabriel who likes to follow him and disturbs him. If I'm nearby, I'd stop Gabriel.
So, his crate is his safe and secure place for him. I notice with my other dogs too. When there was raining heavily with thunder outside, they all went inside their crates.
It's good if you can also have a place for your dog to go where he knows that's his place. It established you as a pack leader also because you determine where his place should be.
So, does your dog have his place?
For more information on dog training, go to http://www.chetztogom.com.
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